Discover the Beauty
of IslamIslam tells us that the one true God (Allah) has created the entire creation. It is only this great God (Allah) who made all humans and animals; the earth and its mountains, oceans and rivers, plants and forests
the sun and the moon, galaxies and orbits; and days and nights. All other objects, including those we know of and those that have not yet been discovered, are aspects of His infinite creation.
The Oneness of this True God, the Creator, can be easily found in the scriptures of the Jews, Christians, Muslims, and others.
All those prophets and messengers were created and sent by the same God. He is the Creator of all humans, all animals, and all creatures and objects. It is this One True God (Allah) who created the whole universe, including nature and all it contains. He is the Creator of life, death, and life after death.
Indeed, references to Muhammad in other scriptures is a very interesting topic that has been thoroughly discussed in many books, articles, and websites.
Muslim scholars assert that this prophecy applies to none other than Muhammad because Moses and Muhammad are alike in many ways.
Their names begin with the same letter; they are alike in their normal births, marriages, missions, and normal deaths; both were prophets, rulers, leaders, and statesmen; and both brought a “fiery law.” On the other hand, Jesus is unlike Moses in his birth, mission, and end; Jesus did not get married, nor did he rule his people or fight wars as Moses did.
Read More3 books about God, Islam and the Prophet ( peace be upon him )
In the story of the temptation of Jesus in the Bible, we find this text: ‘…Worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only’. (Matthew 4: 10)
Like the Quran, the Bible states that God is only ONE. It also tells that the true God is the only Savior. ‘Besides Me there is no Savior’

All God’s prophets like Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad were sent by the same God to convey Allah’s Oneness.
Since God’s prophets carried the same message, their religion must be the same one! So, what is the religion of those prophets? Submission!
Submission to the One God & His worship alone is the essence of the message of those prophets. ‘SUBMISSION’ means ‘ISLAM’ in Arabic.
The Qur’an does confirm that ‘Islam’ is the true religion of all God’s prophets. This Qur’anic fact is also traceable in the Bible itself!

To attain salvation, you must believe in Allah & His true prophets (including Prophet Muhammad). This is the way to a happy, eternal life!

If you decide to become a Muslim, utter this testimony: “I testify that there is no god but Allah, and I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.”
After uttering the testimony of Islam (Ashahada) sincerely, you will feel happiness and tranquility! God willing.
The testimony of the Oneness (Tawheed) that there is no god worthy of worship but Allah, the One true God, is the key of Paradise.
True Muslims worship, pray to, & seek help from Allah the One true God alone. They don’t worship or seek help from Muhammad, Ali, or ‘Wali’.
‘Such is ALLAH, your Lord. There is no god but HE, the creator of all things; so worship HIM. and HE is the Guardian over everything.’
Islam teaches us that the gateway to a happy, content, and eternal life is belief in Allah, the one true God, and His final Prophet, Muhammad – expressed by pronouncing:
Pre-reading Questions
As a seeker of the truth and a student of life, and after many years of observation..
Is God One or Three?
Why callest thou me good? Or in modern English, “Why do you call me good?”..
Are They Equal?
After reading these clear-cut statements as well as many others spoken by Jesus himself, what can we conclude?