Islam teaches us that the gateway to a happy, content, and eternal life is belief in Allah, the one true God, and His final Prophet, Muhammad – expressed by pronouncing:
“I testify that there is no god but Allah, and I testify that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.”
Islam also tells us that believing in God and His prophets is not enough in itself to gain peace of mind, happiness, and salvation! We must carry out the will of Allah by worshipping Him ALONE, obeying His commandments, and practicing what we believe in.
Submission to the will of God is the essence of Allah’s message. In the Qur’an, Allah confirms the true meaning of this submission and the reward prepared for those who believe and do good deeds:
{Indeed, those who have believed and done righteous deeds – they will have the Gardens of Paradise as a lodging.}
(18: 107)
Similarly, the Bible reports these words of Jesus’ brother, James:
“For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.”
(James 2:26)
Muslims must not only have faith in Allah (the one true God) but also do good deeds. They obey the commandments that Jesus and all of the prophets taught and obeyed, such as believing in one true God, praying, prostrating and kneeling down in worship, fasting, giving alms and charity, saying “if God wills (Insha Allah)” for something in the future, and using the greeting of Jesus and the prophets, “Peace be upon you (Assalamu Alaikum).” These are just a few examples and pieces of evidence that clearly demonstrate the truth, unity, and universality of this magnificent and beautiful religion of all the prophets: Islam.
Practically speaking, a Muslim, or a person would like to be a Muslim, must believe in the six articles of faith.

Belief in Allah’s angels, whom He created to praise Him and to obey Him by carrying out His orders.
Belief in Allah’s revelations, including the original Words of Allah revealed to Moses and Jesus (not the human writings and stories narrated by various authors and found in today’s Bible). The Glorious Qur’an is the final, pure, and authentic Word of God, sent to Prophet Muhammad.
Belief in all of Allah’s messengers and prophets, including Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, John the Baptist, Jesus, and Muhammad. In fact, a Muslim is not a true believer if he or she does not believe in Moses and Jesus (and the others) as prophets sent from the one true God (Allah), the Creator.
Belief in the Last Day, the Day of Judgment and accountability. All humankind will be judged by Allah according to their faith and their actions. After this judgment, who will be admitted to a happy, eternal life in Paradise, and who will be thrown into Hellfire?
Belief in the destiny decreed by Allah and in His ultimate knowledge of all things. Since the believers trust in Allah, they are satisfied, content, and confident with whatever Allah decrees for them, whether they perceive it as good or bad. They try not to despair or to become depressed, hopeless, or despondent when crises or difficulties strike. Instead, they do all that they can to improve their situation but ultimately turn to Allah for help, support, and rewards. This beautiful faith in Allah and His decree brings Muslims peace of mind and contentment in spite of all the aggression, invasions, occupations, and exploitation of their land, oil, and wealth that are taking place in the world today, and in spite of the injustice, bias, discrimination, and defamation they suffer.
In addition to believing in the articles of faith, Islam teaches us to put this faith into practice.
In addition to doing good deeds
in general, Muslims must practice five basic pillars of Islam: